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tdc's FarmGate - Farmers' Markets in Eastern Ontario

Farmers Market 

Farmers' Markets are springing up all over Eastern Ontario. It seems that every large city and small town has one. They provide a place to purchase in season fresh produce, cooked foods, and home made products. As well they are places where you can meet your friends and talk to friendly vendors who produce the products.  Most in Eastern Ontario open early in May and finish on Thanksgiving.

There are the small ones with as little as 3 vendors which are attended once a week usually on Sundays or Saturdays. Larger ones with 60+ vendors like the Ottawa Byward market is open all the days of a week.

Farmers' Markets not only serve as an outlet where one can buy locally fresh produce, exotic meats, fruit and home made products.  They also seem to be the outlet of choice for persons wishing to try to sell new products without investing in expensive leases for store retail space.

Every market is different. They are interesting places, some with music, hot food, and entertainment for the customers and others just with vendors bringing their unitque produce and products.

Take some time and get out and enjoy a Farmers' Market in Eastern Ontario

If we have missed any .... just e-Mail and we will add them to the list.

To see if a local crop is due to come to the markets
Check out our
Harvest Chart for Eastern Ontario

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